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Tosing-casting-Leading OEM Lost Wax Casting Parts Manufacturer
Tosing-casting-Leading OEM Lost Wax Casting Parts Manufacturer

You can Lost Wax Casting send G-code directly

You can Lost Wax Casting send G-code directly to the printer or save it to an SD card to insert in the printer.

Fred therefore moved onto the second technique, which revolved around using some crystal glass – more expensive, but resulting in far better and clearer casts.

“After the mold is burned out, I would let the oven slowly return to room temperature so I could carefully vacuum it out and pack it with chunks of glass,” he explains.

“The small chunks could then be loaded in the mold, and the oven slowly brought back up to about 1550˚ until they melted in completely and the worst of the bubbles came to the surface.

At that point the oven was crashed back down to under 1000˚.”

This definitely proved to be the best technique for Lost PLA casting, and the results look amazing. Unfortunately, the crystal glass makes the whole project quite costly.

Featuring nails, knuckles and veins, this over life-sized bronze hand (left) is incredibly detailed, the fingers positioned as if perhaps once holding a spear or sceptre.

A second over life-sized gilt bronze left hand (right) is perhaps the most exquisitely detailed of all of the body parts on offer in our sale.

Thumb extended, the index finger is curved into a slight point, with fine details — including the creases of the palm, the nails, and veins on the top of the hand — clearly Excavator Parts preserved.

click to see more:http://www.tosing-casting.com/